The Importance of MSMEs in Developing Countries

September 13, 2024
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Micro, Small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are crucial drivers of economic growth, particularly in developing countries, where they play a pivotal role in job creation and global economic development. These enterprises represent most businesses worldwide and contribute significantly to employment opportunities. In fact, MSMEs account for approximately 90% of businesses globally and are responsible for over 50% of global employment, making them a vital component of thriving economies.

Given the projected growth of the world’s workforce, with an estimated 600 million new jobs needed by 2030, fostering the development of MSMEs has become a top priority for many nations. MSMEs have demonstrated their ability to generate formal job opportunities, particularly in emerging markets, where they account for seven out of ten jobs. This highlights their potential to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality, and create a more inclusive economy.

However, despite their importance, MSMEs face significant challenges, with access to finance being a persistent obstacle. Lack of adequate financing options and limited access to capital prevents many MSMEs from reaching their full potential. Access to capital is consistently cited as one of the major barriers hindering SME growth, ranking as the second most common challenge in emerging markets and developing countries. This financing gap restricts their ability to invest in technology, expand operations, hire skilled talent, and compete in the global market.

Addressing the financing gap is crucial to unlocking the full potential of MSMEs and enabling them to thrive. Governments and financial institutions have a vital role to play in creating an enabling environment that fosters the growth and sustainability of MSMEs. This includes implementing policies and initiatives that facilitate access to finance, such as dedicated SME loan programs, venture capital funds, and innovative financial products tailored to the specific needs of MSMEs. Collaboration between public and private sectors is essential to build robust ecosystems that support MSMEs throughout their lifecycle, from startup to scale-up.

By improving access to finance, governments and financial institutions can empower MSMEs to unleash their capacity for innovation, job creation, and economic progress. This, in turn, has a ripple effect on the overall economy, driving productivity, stimulating market competition, and fostering inclusive economic growth. It is through these concerted efforts that MSMEs can realise their full potential as engines of economic development and agents of positive social change.

Growth of MSME in Developing Countries

India, known for its burgeoning demographic dividend, has witnessed a remarkable surge in the number of MSMEs across various sectors. The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Act of 2006, specifically Section 7, provides a comprehensive framework for defining and classifying MSMEs in India. These enterprises are categorised based on the investment made in the respective industries.

MSMEs are pivotal in addressing poverty, inequality, and job creation, with a particular impact on rural areas. They serve as a significant source of employment, offering opportunities to marginalised groups such as women, low-skilled workers, and young individuals. By fostering entrepreneurship and providing avenues for economic participation, MSMEs play a crucial role in generating jobs, fostering wealth creation, and ultimately alleviating poverty. The inclusive nature of MSMEs allows for the empowerment of communities and individuals who may face limited opportunities in formal employment sectors. Through their resilience, adaptability, and potential for growth, MSMEs contribute to building more equitable and prosperous societies by promoting economic stability, social mobility, and sustainable development.

Importance of MSME

  • Economic Backbone: The importance of MSMEs in India is undeniable, as they contribute around 30% to the country’s GDP, showcasing the critical role they play in driving economic growth.
  • Employment Generation: The MSME sector is a significant job creator, employing over 110 million people across the country, thereby reducing unemployment and providing livelihoods.
  • Innovation and Flexibility: MSMEs are often at the forefront of innovation, adapting quickly to market changes and introducing new products, services, and business models.
  • Export Contribution: MSMEs contribute to nearly 50% of India’s total exports, underscoring their importance in making India a global trading powerhouse.
  • Inclusive Growth: The importance of the MSME sector lies in its ability to promote inclusive growth by empowering women, youth, and rural entrepreneurs, helping bridge socio-economic disparities.
  • Support for Large Enterprises: MSMEs serve as essential suppliers and service providers to large corporations, ensuring a smooth supply chain and fostering industrial growth.
  • Regional Development: By establishing industries in rural and semi-urban areas, the MSME sector contributes to balanced regional development and reduces migration to urban centres.

Challenges Faced by MSMEs

MSMEs are vital to economic growth, yet they face significant challenges, especially in accessing finance. Unlike large firms, MSMEs often struggle to obtain bank loans due to limited collateral, lack of credit history, and perceived higher risks. This forces many to rely on internal funds or informal sources, hindering their growth and expansion.

Nearly half of all MSMEs worldwide lack access to formal financial services, a gap that’s even more pronounced for micro and informal enterprises. Without adequate credit, MSMEs can’t invest in essential areas like equipment, technology, and marketing, limiting their potential to innovate, scale, and compete with larger firms.

To address this, governments and financial institutions must implement inclusive financial policies, such as specialised lending programs and credit guarantee schemes. Innovative solutions like microfinance and peer-to-peer lending can also help expand access to finance.

Kinara Capital bridges this gap by offering collateral-free business loans, enabling MSMEs to secure the necessary capital to grow and thrive. By supporting MSMEs, we can stimulate economic development, create jobs, and promote sustainable, inclusive growth.

Grow your MSME with collateral-free business loans

Growth Opportunities for MSMEs in Developing Countries

MSMEs in developing countries have vast growth opportunities across various sectors, driving economic development and fostering innovation. In the agriculture sector, MSMEs can benefit from modern farming techniques, value-added processing, and access to global markets, boosting productivity and profitability. With increasing demand for sustainable practices, green energy offers MSMEs opportunities to innovate in areas like solar power, waste management, and energy-efficient solutions, tapping into new markets while contributing to environmental sustainability.

The manufacturing sector presents significant potential for MSME expansion through the adoption of advanced technologies like automation and AI. By enhancing production efficiency, MSMEs can reduce costs and compete more effectively on a global scale. The service sector—particularly in IT and digital services—offers MSMEs the chance to leverage the growing demand for tech solutions, online platforms, and remote services, providing tailored offerings that cater to both local and international markets.

Healthcare and education sectors are also ripe for MSMEs to explore, with opportunities to develop affordable solutions that address local needs, improving access and quality. By strategically positioning themselves in these high-potential sectors, MSMEs in developing countries can unlock new avenues for growth, drive economic progress, and create lasting social impact.

Growth and Performance

The importance of the MSME sector in developing countries is underscored by its robust growth, driven by increased access to digital platforms and financial services. This sector’s performance is characterised by innovation and resilience, making significant contributions to GDP. MSMEs are becoming pivotal in driving economic development and fostering competitive markets.

Present Policy Framework

Governments in developing countries are crafting supportive policies to bolster MSME growth, recognizing the critical role and importance of MSMEs in the economy. Initiatives include streamlined business registration processes, tax incentives, and access to credit facilities. However, challenges remain in implementation, requiring stronger frameworks to ensure these policies reach the grassroots level effectively.

Employment Opportunities

MSMEs are key job creators in developing economies, offering employment to millions and reducing poverty. Their ability to absorb unskilled and semi-skilled labour makes them vital for inclusive growth. With proper support, including access to MSME loans, these enterprises can significantly curb unemployment and uplift communities.

Infrastructure Development

The growth of MSMEs hinges on improved infrastructure. Investments in transportation, digital connectivity, and energy supply are crucial for their expansion. Developing countries are increasingly focusing on building such infrastructure to create an enabling environment for MSMEs to thrive and compete globally.

Strategies for MSME Expansion in Developing Countries 

Expanding MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) in developing countries is crucial for driving economic growth and fostering innovation. Effective strategies for MSME expansion involve leveraging various tools and resources to support the growth of MSMEs in India and beyond. MSME loans play a pivotal role in this expansion, offering the financial support needed for scaling operations and exploring new markets. By focusing on these strategies, businesses can ensure successful expansion and contribute to the overall growth of MSMEs in developing regions.

Embracing a Diverse Workforce

  • Unlock Innovation: Diverse skills, backgrounds, and perspectives foster creativity and effective problem-solving.
  • Expand Hiring: Business loans from Kinara Capital enable MSMEs to invest in recruitment and attract diverse talent.
  • Adaptability & Customer Insight: Diverse teams are more adaptable, resilient, and better at meeting varied customer needs.
  • Partner with Kinara Capital: Access loans to build a diverse, skilled team and drive growth.

Investing in Better Equipment

  • Enhance Capabilities: Asset purchase loans from Kinara Capital allow MSMEs to acquire modern equipment, boosting production and efficiency.
  • Increase Productivity: Upgraded equipment reduces downtime, improves quality, and gives a competitive edge.
  • Additional Benefits: Modern tools offer energy efficiency, advanced features, and better safety, improving overall performance.
  • Partner with Kinara Capital: Invest in equipment that aligns with business goals and boosts success.

Seeking Bigger Opportunities

  • Continuous Growth: Embrace innovation and explore new markets, products, or technologies to unlock growth potential.
  • Strategic Approach: Set clear goals, measure outcomes, and evaluate opportunities to ensure they align with business objectives.
  • Balance Creativity & Planning: Encourage experimentation and learning while strategically planning to avoid pitfalls.
  • Sustain Success: Adapt, test, and refine strategies to maintain a competitive edge and achieve long-term growth.

Go Beyond Traditional Sales Channels

  • E-Commerce Platforms: Use platforms like Amazon to broaden your market reach.
  • Digital Sales Channels: Explore sales through WhatsApp and social media (e.g., Instagram) to attract customers.
  • Expand Horizons: Embrace new selling methods to enhance visibility and sales opportunities.

Why choose Kinara Capital?

By nurturing and empowering MSMEs, developing countries can unlock their full economic potential, create sustainable livelihoods, and foster inclusive growth. Recognising their significance and addressing their challenges will result in a more resilient, diversified, and prosperous economy for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Kinara Capital is committed to promoting financial inclusion for small business owners by offering collateral-free MSME loans. To apply for a business loan online from Kinara, MSME entrepreneurs can visit their website or the myKinara app and check their eligibility for a business loan. If they qualify for the business loan eligibility, they can continue with the application process and submit the minimum documentation. The amount will be digitally transferred to their account within 24-hours. With the fully digital online application process, MSMEs can apply for a business loan online without waiting a long time. For further queries, give a missed call on 080-68264454 and get contacted by Kinara’s customer support team for all the answers. So, don’t hesitate to take financial aid. Choose Kinara Capital, and it’s all the way up from there!


The importance of MSMEs in developing countries cannot be overstated. These enterprises are vital engines of economic growth, job creation, poverty alleviation, and wealth distribution. MSMEs contribute significantly to employment, particularly for marginalised groups such as women, low-skilled workers, and young people. They play a crucial role in driving innovation, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting inclusive development.

MSMEs not only generate employment opportunities but also contribute to the overall economic development of developing countries. They stimulate local economies, enhance productivity, and spur innovation through their agility, adaptability, and potential for expansion. Moreover, MSMEs contribute to economic diversification, reduce income inequality, and empower communities by providing livelihood opportunities.

The development and support of MSMEs should be a priority for governments, policymakers, and financial institutions in developing countries. It is essential to create an enabling environment that facilitates access to finance, technology, skills development, and market linkages for MSMEs. This includes implementing supportive policies, providing targeted financial assistance, promoting entrepreneurship education, and fostering public-private partnerships.


How do MSMEs contribute to economic growth?

MSMEs contribute to economic growth by driving innovation, creating jobs, and fostering entrepreneurship. They enhance local economies by increasing production, supporting supply chains, and providing essential goods and services, which collectively stimulate overall economic development and resilience.

Why are MSMEs important for job creation?

MSMEs are vital for job creation because they employ a large portion of the workforce, offer diverse job opportunities, and stimulate local economies, helping to reduce unemployment and poverty.

What is the role of MSMEs in promoting inclusive growth?

MSMEs promote inclusive growth by providing opportunities for marginalised communities, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting local economies. They help bridge income disparities by creating jobs, empowering small business owners, and ensuring economic participation across various social and economic groups.

What is the future outlook for MSMEs?

The future outlook for MSMEs is promising, with increasing digitalization, government support, and access to financing. These factors will enable MSMEs to innovate, expand globally, and play a critical role in driving sustainable economic growth.

How do MSMEs contribute to rural development?

MSMEs contribute to rural development by creating local jobs, supporting agricultural and non-agricultural industries, and providing essential goods and services. They stimulate local economies, reduce migration to urban areas, and promote sustainable community growth.

How do MSMEs contribute to sustainable development?

MSMEs contribute to sustainable development by promoting resource-efficient practices, supporting local economies, and fostering innovation in eco-friendly products and services. They play a key role in reducing poverty and driving inclusive economic growth while minimising environmental impact.

What role do MSMEs play in reducing income inequality?

MSMEs help reduce income inequality by creating diverse job opportunities, supporting small-scale entrepreneurship, and promoting economic inclusion. They enable broader wealth distribution, empower underrepresented communities, and contribute to more balanced economic development across regions.

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