Importance of Inclusivity in Workspace for Women in India

May 23, 2024
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Inclusivity in workspace is a critical aspect of creating a thriving and productive work environment. In India, women have historically faced significant barriers to achieving equal treatment in the workplace. This inequality can have severe consequences, both for individual women and for society as a whole. It is essential to promote inclusivity in workspace in India, specifically for women, to achieve gender equality, foster diversity and provide equal opportunities for all employees.

In this context, it is crucial for businesses to recognize the importance of creating a culture of inclusivity and diversity that empowers women and enables them to reach their full potential, ultimately leading to greater innovation, higher productivity, and more prosperous society. While corporations have made concerted efforts to incorporate women into the workforce, the outcomes have been confined to higher levels of participation at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy. As one moves up the corporate ladder, the number of women in top positions becomes increasingly scarce.

According to global reports, gender inequality remains a significant challenge in workplaces around the world, including in India. India is a country with deeply ingrained social biases that prevent women from entering male-dominated fields. One of the most significant barriers for women is the pervasive cultural belief in traditional gender roles. Many Indians believe that women should stay at home, care for their families, and not pursue careers outside the home. This belief is so entrenched that it is often reinforced by government policies that are ostensibly designed to protect women.

For example, laws mandating separate train cars for women and men reinforce the idea that women need protection from male aggression. These social biases are particularly strong in India and can be seen in many aspects of society, from education to the workplace. Women who do attempt to enter male-dominated fields often face significant challenges, including discrimination, harassment, and limited opportunities for advancement.

Until these biases are addressed, it will be difficult for women to participate fully in all aspects of Indian society. Despite progress in some areas, women continue to face barriers to equality, including unequal pay, limited opportunities for advancement, and discrimination based on gender.

In order to address these challenges, there is growing recognition of the importance of creating more inclusive workplace cultures that value and support women employees. This includes implementing policies and programs to promote gender diversity, providing training and development opportunities for women, and creating a culture that values and supports women in leadership roles.

Research has shown that companies that prioritize gender equality and inclusivity in workspace are more likely to attract and retain top talent, as well as benefit from increased creativity, innovation, and productivity. Additionally, creating more equitable workplaces can also have positive impacts on broader society, including reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.

According to a survey by the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), despite the fact that India has 432 million women of working age, 94% of them are engaged in the unorganized sector. It also states that women’s current contribution to GDP stays at 18%; nevertheless, simply by providing equal chances to women, India might add US$ 770 billion to its GDP by 2025.

According to the Union Budget 2022, India’s overall labour participation rate is 20.3%, with urban India accounting for 18.2% of the total. Women’s employability in 2022 is estimated to be 51.44%, rising from 41.25% in 2021.

Inclusivity in Workspace

Inclusivity in workspace refers to creating an environment where all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or experiences, feel welcomed, valued, and supported. It means building a workspace culture that fosters respect, diversity, and equity and actively works to eliminate discrimination, bias, and prejudice.

An inclusive workspace is one where employees feel comfortable being their authentic selves, can contribute their unique perspectives and ideas without fear of judgement, and have equal access to opportunities, resources, and career advancement. It is a place where differences are celebrated, and everyone is treated with fairness and dignity.

Driving inclusivity in workspace can encompass a range of actions and policies, such as creating diverse hiring practices, providing accommodations for employees with disabilities, promoting work-life balance, and offering training and education on unconscious bias and cultural competency. It is crucial to create a positive work environment where everyone can thrive, contribute to the organization’s success, and achieve their full potential.

Inclusivity in workspace is especially important for women because historically, women have faced systemic barriers and discrimination in the workplace, leading to significant underrepresentation and disparities in pay, promotions, and occupation of leadership positions. Creating inclusivity in workspaces culture that values and respects women’s contributions can help address these issues and promote gender equality.

What is a Gender-Inclusive Culture?

A gender-inclusive culture is one that actively seeks to create an environment where individuals of all gender identities feel valued and respected. Such a culture acknowledges and affirms the diversity of gender identities and expressions, and actively works to dismantle the gender-based power structure. Here are five key characteristics of a gender-inclusive culture:

In a gender-inclusive culture, people use language that is inclusive of all genders. This includes using gender-neutral pronouns such as “they/them” instead of “he/she,” as well as avoiding gendered language in job titles and other forms of communication. Additionally, gender-inclusive cultures recognize the importance of allowing people to self-identify and choose the pronouns they feel best to represent them.

A gender-inclusive culture ensures that all genders are represented equally in all areas of life. This includes representation in high-visibility positions like leadership roles, in media and entertainment, and in educational materials. When all genders are equally represented, it helps to break down the gender-based power structures that have historically excluded and marginalized people.

In a gender-inclusive culture, all individuals are treated with safety and respect regardless of their gender identity. This means creating safe spaces where people can express themselves freely without fear of judgement or discrimination. It also means that individuals are not discriminated against or harassed because of their gender identity.

A gender-inclusive culture prioritizes education and understanding about gender diversity. This includes providing education about the different gender identities that exist and the challenges faced by certain sections and identities. It also means promoting understanding and acceptance of individuals who express their gender in different ways, including those who are gender nonconforming or genderqueer.

A gender-inclusive culture recognizes that people experience their gender identity in different ways depending on their other identities and experiences. This means taking an intersectional approach that considers how gender interacts with race, sexuality, class, and other factors. Intersectionality is a framework for understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of social identities such as race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability, and how they interact with each other.

It recognizes that individuals hold multiple identities and that these identities do not exist independently of one another, but rather intersect and interact in unique ways that shape experiences of privilege and oppression. It also means understanding that people who are marginalized in multiple ways face unique challenges that need to be addressed in a comprehensive and inclusive manner.

Inclusivity for Women

Inclusivity in workspaces is crucial for promoting diversity, equity, and for the overall success of an organization. However, for many women, the workplace can be a challenging environment that lacks inclusivity. Here are some of the ways that companies can promote inclusivity and create a welcoming environment for women.

1. Addressing Bias in Hiring and Promotion

One of the biggest barriers to inclusivity in workspaces is bias in hiring and promotion. Women are often overlooked for roles or promotions in favour of their male colleagues. To combat this, companies must adopt more inclusive hiring and promotion practices. This could include blind resume reviews or diverse interview panels.

2. Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible schedules, can be incredibly beneficial for women. Women are often responsible for caregiving and household tasks, and flexible work arrangements can help them balance work and personal responsibilities. By providing these options, companies can support the needs of women in the workplace.

3. Training and Education

Training and education programs can help to address biases and promote inclusivity in workspaces. These programs can provide employees with the tools they need to recognize and address their biases. Additionally, training can help employees to understand the experiences of their female colleagues and how to support them.

4. Equal Pay and Benefits

Equal pay and benefits are essential for creating inclusivity in workspaces for women. Women still earn less than their male colleagues in many industries, despite having the same education and experience. By ensuring that women receive equal pay and benefits, companies can promote fairness and inclusivity.

5. Mentorship and Support

Mentorship and support programs can be extremely beneficial for women in the workplace. These programs can provide women with access to mentors who can help them navigate their careers and provide support and guidance. Additionally, support programs can provide resources for women who are dealing with workplace discrimination or other challenges.

6. Flexible Parental Leave

Flexible parental leave policies can be a great way to support women who are starting or expanding their families. Traditional maternity leave policies may not provide enough time for women to recover physically and emotionally from childbirth and adjust to their new roles as mothers. Additionally, these policies may not account for the fact that fathers may also need time off to care for their children. By offering flexible parental leave policies that allow employees to take time off when they need it, companies can show their support for working parents.

7. Diverse Leadership

Having diverse leadership can be a powerful way to promote inclusivity in workspace. When women see other women in leadership positions, it can help them envision themselves in those roles and feel more valued and supported in their careers. Additionally, diverse leadership can help to prevent biases and promote more inclusive policies and practices.

8. Safe and Respectful Workplace Culture

Creating a safe and respectful workplace culture is essential for promoting inclusivity in workspace. Women should feel free to speak up about discrimination or harassment without fear of retaliation. Additionally, companies should have clear policies in place for dealing with these issues and should hold all employees accountable for their behaviour.

9. Employee Resource Groups

Employee resource groups (ERGs) can be a great way to support women and other underrepresented groups in the workplace. ERGs can provide a sense of community, resources, and support for employees who may feel isolated or marginalized. Additionally, ERGs can help companies identify and address issues related to inclusivity in workspace.

10. Transparent Communication

Transparent communication can be key to promoting inclusivity in workspace. Companies should be clear and upfront about their policies, expectations, and goals related to inclusivity. 

Additionally, they should seek input and feedback from employees on how to improve inclusivity in workspaces. By promoting open and honest communication, companies can create a more collaborative and supportive work environment for everyone.

11. Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment can have serious consequences for employees and their organizations. To tackle this issue, it is important to establish clear policies and procedures for reporting and addressing harassment in the workplace. These policies should be communicated to all employees and clearly outline the consequences of engaging in harassing behaviour. Employers should also provide training and education to help employees recognize and prevent harassment. By creating a safe and inclusive work environment, employers can help ensure that all employees feel valued and supported.

In conclusion, inclusivity in workspaces is essential for creating a diverse and successful organization. By adopting inclusive hiring and promotion practices, offering flexible work arrangements, providing training and education, ensuring equal pay and benefits, and providing mentorship and support, companies can create a welcoming environment for women. Ultimately, promoting inclusivity in workspaces is not only the right thing to do, but it is also beneficial for the success of the organization.

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Inclusivity Matters for MSMEs

In recent years, there has been a significant push towards diversity and inclusivity in workspace. The focus has been on creating an environment that values people from all walks of life, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. While there has been some progress made towards achieving this goal, there is still much work to be done, particularly when it comes to women in MSMEs.

MSMEs, or micro small and medium enterprises, are businesses that are typically owned and operated by individuals or small groups of people. They are often seen as a crucial part of the economy, providing jobs and contributing to the overall growth of the country. However, women in MSMEs have traditionally faced several challenges when it comes to inclusivity in workspace.

One of the primary issues faced by women in MSMEs is a lack of representation. Women are often underrepresented in leadership positions, which can make it difficult for them to have their voices heard and to influence decision-making. Additionally, women in MSMEs may face discrimination and bias from colleagues or customers, which can impact their confidence and overall job satisfaction. Women-owned MSMEs often face significant challenges when it comes to accessing the funding they need to start, grow, or expand their businesses. These challenges can be attributed to a variety of factors, including gender bias, lack of access to networks, and limited financial literacy.

However, there are several funding opportunities available specifically for women-owned MSMEs such as:

Government Grants: Governments around the world offer a variety of grants and funding programs specifically for women-owned businesses. These programs can provide access to capital, mentorship, and other resources needed to succeed.

Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding is a relatively new and innovative way to raise funds for a business. By using online platforms, business owners can reach a wider audience and raise the capital they need to get started.

Venture Capital: Venture capital firms are investors that provide funding to early-stage businesses with high-growth potential. Although women entrepreneurs are often underrepresented in the venture capital industry, there are some firms that specifically invest in women-led businesses.

Microfinance: Microfinance institutions provide small loans to entrepreneurs who are unable to access traditional banking services. These loans can be particularly useful for women-owned MSMEs, as they often face significant barriers when it comes to accessing bank loans.

In addition to these funding opportunities, it is also important for women-owned MSMEs to focus on building their financial literacy and business acumen. This can involve attending workshops, seeking out mentorship opportunities, and developing a solid business plan. By leveraging these resources and building their financial literacy, women entrepreneurs can take steps towards achieving their business goals and driving economic growth.

MSME women entrepreneurs can also promote gender diversity and an inclusive work environment in the MSME sector by implementing several key strategies. Firstly, they can ensure their recruitment process is gender-inclusive by actively seeking female candidates and avoiding gender bias. Secondly, they can provide equal opportunities and pay to female employees, foster a supportive work culture, and implement policies to prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

By developing a gender-inclusive recruitment process, providing equal opportunities and pay, fostering a supportive work culture, and implementing policies to prevent harassment and discrimination, women entrepreneurs can create a more diverse and inclusive work environment. This can help promote the growth and success of women in the MSME sector and contribute to the overall success of their business.

Kinara Capital, an RBI-registered Systemically Important NBFC in India which aims to empower the MSME sector has recently committed to disbursing INR 400 crores in FY 2024 to women-owned businesses under their HerVikas programme. Their HerVikas programme provides collateral-free business loans to women-owned small businesses at discounted interest rates.

Not only to MSMEs but Kinara is also dedicated to its women employees’ empowerment. With 50% of women employees in the company, Kinara has created and maintains inclusivity in workspace for all genders. Kinara Capital has announced the contribution of 18% of women employees even as field officers across 133 branches spread across more than 100 cities in the country. He has advised women to seek opportunities in companies like Kinara which provided an inclusive environment for its employees while supporting the IWD theme #embrace_equity.


In summary, a gender-inclusive culture is one that values and respects all individuals regardless of their gender identity. It actively works to create safe and inclusive spaces where people can express themselves freely and without fear of discrimination. It prioritizes education and knowledge about gender diversity and takes an intersectional approach to understand how different identities and experiences impact gender. Ultimately, a gender-inclusive culture helps to break down gender-based power structures that lead to marginalization and exclusionary practices.

When companies create an inclusive work environment, they are better positioned to recruit and retain a diverse pool of talented employees, including women. By offering equal opportunities and providing a supportive work environment, they can create a workplace culture that is attractive to top talent. This can result in increased employee engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity, which can ultimately lead to better business outcomes.

Inclusivity in workspace, especially for women, and it is crucial that MSMEs prioritize creating a work environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. The benefits of inclusivity are many, and they go beyond improving workplace culture and employee morale. Inclusivity can help companies to attract and retain top talent, drive innovation and creativity, and improve business outcomes.

Inclusivity in workspace can also foster innovation and creativity within the workplace. When employees come from diverse backgrounds, they bring unique perspectives and experiences that can lead to innovative solutions to business problems. MSMEs can benefit from this by tapping into the full potential of their employees and driving growth and success for the business.

In conclusion, inclusivity in workspace is essential for companies to succeed in today’s global economy. By creating a diverse and inclusive work environment that provides equal opportunities and support for all employees, workplaces can attract and retain top talent, foster innovation and creativity, and ultimately drive growth and profitability. Therefore, companies must prioritize creating inclusivity in workspace culture that values and respects all employees, including women.

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